Thursday, December 16, 2010

Zoophilia Besteality Movie


I saw the snow lay white
icy mantles,
roads of warming men
one thousand impressions
flaming the fire of red wine. I've seen looks

wait long before indecision,
communion of humanity and instincts.

I saw different people

find a common agreement in the sound of a word,
numb fingers on the maps indicate
dubious destinations. I saw

stops each different
change movement in art.

I've seen galleries illegal disqualifications

between wetlands preserve authentic artists and public exhibitions
ostentatious presumptions cheer.

I saw, as from oppression
born alive
colors and emotions against the sword.

I saw faces murder
with outstretched hands to the dead silence
raise the solemn temples of History.

- I heard

my countrymen speak of a country in flames

nostalgia without drinking, I heard

endless din far
effleure slightly soul,
and so far seemed to me that
ground fires that only felt
of four steps in the snow.

It should be (in the image of a painting
Alexander Rodin)


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