Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tim Hortons Hiring In Brampton 14

Hamlet discounted

This curious rehabilitation in a modern way of Hamlet's famous soliloquy, I found the last page of the second issue of To Be, free magazine dedicated to the newly formed theater. The magazine, distributed in theaters and other places which I do not know for now is only present in Rome and Lazio. The piece is offered as a translation apocryphal and shows us a Hamlet completely new, contemporary, taking as inspiration a character that does not quote, this translation provides concrete proof of the remarkable universality of Shakespeare's language.

Enter Hamlet

be or not to be, that is the problem:
whether it is nobler to suffer in the depths of his spirit,
hurled stones and arrows
former ally and co-founder, or take up the 'weapons, however, the judges
enemies, and fighting the process, put their
ends. Disappear. Flying. Nothing more. And
nell'antigua villa
to calm the painful beats of the heart, and the thousands of newspapers
offenses of which he was the victim of my flesh: This is a conclusion that I want
considerably. Disappear, rest.
sleep, maybe fuck. This is where the rub:
in that party because of love, all the dreams that
occur when we are freed from the tumult, this
from the tangle of moral life,
will lead us to think. It is precisely this scruple to give
calamity of so long life!
Why, who would be able to bear the whips
of ulterior motives,
the wrongs of the newspapers and television, the outrages of the hardships, the sufferings of love
party and unpaid
attacks the law, the insolence
Judges and ridicule that my companions on
received since, if he could
give himself his own
receipt with a bare bodkin? Who adapts to take charge of
council chairman or even a republic,
to groan and sweat under the weight of a hard life,
were it not that the fear of death sentences before
- that uncharted territory from which
not back border so far no passengers back-
confuses and perplexes the will,
and persuades us to endure the gossip
already suffering rather than hasten to
other evils of which we know nothing. In this way, makes us all cowards
consciousness, and the complexion
resolution is made unhealthy by the pale color of the greasepaint,
and large businesses and alloys Therefore, unfortunately
deflect a thousand current
And lose the name of action. Vote now:
or better Democracy! Nymph, in your prayers
intercede for me, a sinner.


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