Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How Dangerous Are Brain Polyps

The school has started ...

The school started the Institute in G. Ciabattoni was temporarily closed for upgrading work of the plant. And the children where they go? No problem! Some classes have been set up at the buildings of the Convent of the Capuchin Friars and the Parish Collegiate, which would create considerable hardship for the logistics.

But would not it be better if the administration instead of using € 400,000 University Consortium for the Piceno, had used these resources to achieve the expansion, expected some time in the Avenue of the Republic of schools? Today, these problems would be avoided.

We wonder: why the town diverts these resources instead of using them for the CUP Offida? What advantages has led to this day, for our country, joining the CUP? The company Energie

Offida did (and do) large investments for photovoltaics. Hurrah for clean energy! We all agree and favor, but it seems that the location of the first plant (St. Barnabas), with regard to exposure, is not the best. For more Some solar panels are still not "chasing" the sun as they should (we tested with visits at different times of day). So the question arises: this system works? And, if so, how much energy it produces?

Why, then, has purchased the former Energy Offida Fornace, notwithstanding that the property is commercially unattractive? How much is the loan signed by this company? Guarantees that the municipality has given to the banks, since it is the sole owner of the company Energie Offida?

In the deliberations of the Executive Council published on the site of the town, states that to close the financial year 2007 the administration took an advance of money which were used for the 2008 budget. In June, moreover, to repair a van at a cost of € 6000, we used the reserve fund which, in principle, be used only from November onwards.

seems to us that this situation is strange: a company owned by the municipality (Energie Offida) has a capacity of extraordinary costs, while the administration has great economic hardship to the point of making sacrifices and their citizens in the services .

people Meditate, meditate! And after meditating, send us your thoughts about: / offida.html

learn from the press that the center has already made the choice to 'give a signal of continuity of administration ", indicating who will be the successor of Lucio D'Angelo. But who decided? The PD (ie, DS), without involving the other parties forming the coalition.
The Socialist Party will not support candidates already established at the drawing board and tend to perpetuate a family party, and is available to deal with other political forces in order to find the best solution for Offida.


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