Sunday, April 20, 2008

Morrowind English Setup

TIRSO .. Memo labels

T ll I nsieme R idendo S orseggiando O sservando
born Tirso Circle, Circle Eno-g-astronomy.

The club is dedicated to the interchange of culture, information and passions among people who still believe in the values \u200b\u200b"less barbaric" of life. They include professors, researchers, scholars, and masters of wine from all over Italy, the objective becomes to create an environment of mutual exchange, where interfaccino the wine and the beauty of the universe. All held together by the pleasure of course, also beauty, good food.

The Club is open to all .... You have to have special qualities: you must be friendly, eager to learn, humble in receiving information, but also ready to give the purest simplicity, and you have a great desire to get excited again for the simple things in life is always a little child.
In the circle there are no charges: there is only one president, the person who sums up all the best features of the aims of the Club and enhance and Ernesto Dellapiana, owner of the famous House of Treiso Rizzi (CN). Otrechè producer, also a student deep solar energy and many other aspects of what is best in cultural and scientific culture in general.

Born from the idea of \u200b\u200bEnzo ZappalĂ , Professor Professor of Astrophysics, now retired, who worked for 37 years Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino.

For more than fifteen years, with his wife Gianna (with whom he has been married for 40 years), he deepened his love and knowledge, besides the stars, for wine quality. He fell in love more and more of the culture, history and character of the wine, which it considers as real artists, capable of technical and creative imagination, so that calls them "masters of wine" (the word producers is too reductive).

His aim now is to live, with excellent results, the aesthetic beauty of the universe with the expressiveness also aesthetics of great wine.


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